Wednesday, August 24, 2022

 I'm From Missouri- SHOW ME Your Edibles!

I came to edibles (mostly gummies) at a late stage in life and I am really enjoying not having to smoke or vape marijuana any more to get a buzz. My 73 year old lungs have had enough abuse among which included 50 years of marijuana smoking.

 I may be legal with the medical marijuana card here now, able to get premium edibles from my nearest medical marijuana dispensary but that was not always the case as any old stoner will tell you about getting wasted on weed in the 70's. And for me it's all about the buzz, yes your highness it does ease the pain as well.

Dong Ha Vietnam 1969

Believe it or not I started smoking marijuana back in 1972 after being honorably discharged from the United States Marine Corps, four years of active service including a one-year combat tour of Vietnam. I say believe it or not because I got myself in a heap of hurt locker for REFUSING to smoke marijuana with most of my platoon. They were all stoners from the CO on down! I think they feared fragging so they just went along until they would be transferred.

 Somehow I finished my tour as a ganja virgin and returned relatively unscathed to the US, did a couple more years at Camp Pendleton, made E-5 in three years, got out after four.

I then entered collage back in my home city and fell in with the only guys I could semi-relate to, a bunch of misfits & stoners that called themselves Vietnam Veterans Against the War. That's where my love of GANJA started, smack dab in the middle of the movement to end the Vietnam War, stoned most of the time to avoid all the nonsense.

OK Enough Already about the old Stoner

So what this site is really about and for is to feature recipes for just about anything you can eat with marijuna infused into it, gummies, cookies, sauces, etc and especially recipes or formulas that you would consider VEGAN.

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